The Background

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Katie's Week 3 in review

Well, week three wasn’t kind to me… I only lost 1.2 lbs! I did a little better on my fruits and veggies, and I did drink twice as much water as the week before and still had 14 of my weekly allowance points remaining but, I guess I should just be grateful that I didn’t gain. Daley  is so sweet in continuing to remind me of this…
  This week, my goal is to get moving!! I want to exercise on my kinect 4 days and my friend, James is coming to walk/run with me on Tuesday to help keep me motivated. It’s only one day I know, but I think slowly getting in the swing of that is best.
  I get very discouraged when I walk or run because of my calves. I have always had very large calves and I guess I can thank my German heritage for that…My calves have very large knots in them (almost like ones you have from stress in your shoulders) and they tighten up and cramp after just walking a few feet. I have been reading online things I can do to prevent this like taking magnesium supplements and integrating more potassium into my diet. I am going to try a banana for breakfast each morning and on Tuesday, I’m going to have one additional banana before we set off on our walk. One great thing I read was how to massage your calves to eliminate the knots. It’s supposed to be very painful at first, but once the knots are gone and I continue the regimen, maybe I won’t have the calf problems I do now. I am going to play the YouTube video for Jay so he can see the techniques and we can start that program too. I’m looking very forward to those massages ;)
  Here’s to a great week for me & Daley! Fingers crossed…..I’m shooting for 3 pounds this week! I CAN DO THIS!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm SUPER proud of you for sticking with it and deciding that this week is the week to start exercising! I know you hate it, I mean who doesn't, but you're going to do great. A tip on the calves, use a pool noodle to roll them out with. I am sure you can find videos on YouTube on how to do this. My PT did this for me and it way less painful to start out with because I too had knots in my calves. LOVE YOU!
