The Background

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Katie goes out to eat!

So, today was interesting… I had a very stressful day at work and for some reason that is when what, I lovingly refer to as my “food alarm” goes off. I wanted to eat everything in the office including the stale, open potato chips in our breakroom’s bottom drawer for about a year included…YUCK!!!
I didn’t do anything that drastic and made due with my pudding cup and an apple but I was really struggling! I have to work on bringing more fruit with me to the office so when I have these moments, I have something on hand to eat… After the day was over, the last thing I wanted to do was go home and cook, so I opted to beg Jay to take me to dinner. We just happen to have a gift card for Applebee’s and I was thrilled to find out that they have updated their menus to the new POINTS PLUS values.
I have never been a huge fan of eating out while watching my weight simply because plain, bland steamed vegetables and a dry chicken breast aren’t really my cup of tea, but I was so excited to see steak and potatoes as one of my options! I had the Asiago Peppercorn Steak with veggies and new potatoes and I just have to say…….WOW!!! Maybe because of the mode I was in to eat everything in sight is why it tasted so good, but I was thourougly impressed. The steak was perfectly cooked with just a smidge of melted cheese on top and practically rolled in the best flavored peppercorns I’ve ever had. It almost melted in my mouth and the best part? I couldn’t even finish it! That has never happened to me. I ate all the veggies first, which were good in their own right. Not overcooked and mushy but steamed just until crisp with a little salt and pepper. The new potatoes were great as well. I squished those with my fork and set the steak on top so all the juices ran into the potatoes and they were excellent! Just as good as mashed with a ton of butter and cheese (my normal menu pick). My entire meal was 10 POINTS PLUS which was a relief and used all but one of my daily allotted points. I was so proud of myself for staying in range today. It is a boost of my will power for sure. I DID IT!!!! No cheating, not even use of my weekly points (which I try to save for weekends) Go me!!!!

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